Successful communication between people of different cultural backgrounds requires more than just transferring the spoken word from one language into another. Fine nuances make the difference: wording, the sound and tone of voice, and the empathic skills of a language mediator.
My name is Anja Scheuermann and I have been working as a conference interpreter with the language pair English <-> German since I graduated from Würzburger Dolmetscherschule, a private vocational college specializing in interpretation and translation, in 2013. Since then, I have gained experience during more than 600 conference days in Germany and abroad, which has expanded my technical knowledge and made me an expert in numerous fields.
In consecutive interpreting, the interpreter transfers what has been said consecutively – as the name implies; that means interpreting doesn’t start until after the speaker has finished. Since this type of interpreting involves a note-taking technique, even longer passages of speech can be interpreted. You should bear in mind, however, that consecutive interpreting requires significantly more time than simultaneous interpreting. This type of interpreting is suitable for individual presentations, contract negotiations, interviews and appointments with government agencies.
Simultaneous interpreting involves transferring the spoken word from one language into another and vice versa with minimal time delay, allowing for a smooth conference without time lags and a natural flow of conversation between you and your conference participants. Since simultaneous interpreting requires the highest level of concentration and precision, we always work in teams of two. This type of interpreting also requires special conference equipment such as a booth with an interpreter's desk, microphones for the speakers and headsets for the participants. Simultaneous interpreting is suitable for all small and large events where every second counts. I would be happy to assist you in the planning and organising of conference equipment as well as with the written translation of your conference documents and presentations, so that all linguistic requirements necessary to plan and carry out your event are covered by a single source.
Chuchotage, also known as ‘whispered interpreting’, is a variant of simultaneous interpreting that uses minimal technical support. For chuchotage, a tour guide system consisting of a microphone for the interpreter and headsets for the participants is required. This type of interpreting is suitable for assignments which are not bound to a single event venue, such as plant tours, or events in small groups, where interpreting is done mainly in one direction. Individual questions from the participants can, of course, be interpreted consecutively.
Remote interpreting refers to the interpretation of online meetings. Since the beginning of 2020, hardly any other topic has gained as much importance as digitalisation. Technological advancements have made us less dependent on fixed locations and have opened up new opportunities. For this reason, the most commonly used online meeting platforms Microsoft Teams and Zoom have introduced an interpretation function that significantly simplifies multilingual communication in online meetings.
If you’d like to receive an offer for the translation of your documents, it is necessary to review the texts in order to assess the workload and degree of difficulty involved. Your documents will of course be treated confidentially.
As a publicly appointed and sworn interpreter, I also offer certified translations. If required, I can also obtain an apostille or authentication from the Würzburg District Court.